Untuk menjawab pertanyaan seperti itu, well .. untuk pengetahuan anda saya sempat menonton semula sedutan persembahan Idola Singapura - Sezairi dalam program Singapore Idol, menerusi Youtube. Memang tidak silap lagi, beliau yang lebih hebat daripada Slyvia pada malam itu (walaupun Slyvia merupakan peserta favorit saya) Kenyataan tidak dapat diubah, kita harus terima & semua harus sedia menerima kemenangan Idola Singapura kita. Namun begitu, saya agak kecewa apabila terbaca komen2 yg dilemparkan khususnya tentang persembahan Sezairi. .. berikut ini diantara komen tidak menyokong - "i predict he will only sell 5000 albums or less hahaha, no marketing value, no looks, no appeal". Alamak Bro .. belum beli lesen mulut kapa ..??? Tapi tidak kurang juga yg menyokong kemenangan Sezairi - " his reaction sometimes in this song is funny.. nevertheless.. he is the deserving idol.. staying safe on the spectacular rounds.. n exploding on the finale.."
Diantara komen2 yg saya baca, saya tersentuh dgn komen daripada dua individu yg berbeza. Cuba anda amati - "I am not a fan of Singapore or Any Idol series, but after reading lots of buzz about Sezairi winning I decide to listen to the whole final perfomance of Sezairi and Slyvia. As someone who is a singer myself this is what I find and no one need to agree with me. Slyvia voice sounded shaky especially while Touched by An Angel and at times cracky. Further she is tense throught the whole final performance. Sezairi on the other hand was cool and collected. That clinch him the title.. "
- "Sylvia I have to admit, was my favourite from the beginning of the competition, but somehow when the crunch time came, she was a bundle of nerves and looked as though she was overawed by the occasion. Sezairi took control right from the start and listening to him sing “Touched By An Angel“, one could feel his emotions and soul being put forth with more sincerity and feel than Sylvia. Which was why for the first time this season, I was inclined to finally cast my votes and to the person I felt deserved it more" psst psst .. komen yg kedua tu saya 'pinjam' dari seorang teman dengan nama gelaran PM setelah membaca komen yg beliau tulis dalam blog nya. Jgn marah hah ... i loike .. hehe
Bagi saya kedua2nya hebat .. kedua2nya ada kelebihan & keistimewaan masing2. Slyvia tetap menjadi peserta favorit saya tetapi Sezairi sememangnya layak untuk mendapat gelaran Idola Singapura yg ke III ..
i rest my case ...
Takpe, takpe... Yang baik kalau dikongsi bersama untuk kebaikan semua amat dialu2kan... Tak sangka akak juga antara pembaca blog saya... Terima kasih byk2... :)